Beer + Wisdom
I picked up a six-pack of a beer called "Oaked Arrogant Bastard Ale" by the Stone Brewing Company.
It has a rather unique flavor. Very malty and has a taste eerily like whiskey.
Anyway, the back of the beer has a rather intriguing bit of wisdom on the back of it that I would like to share with my massive 5 person readership. :-P
"Too many strive towards complacency as a goal. They stop their urge and desire for discovery somewhere between youth and adulthood. And when they find their complacency threatened, they do everything to recover the warm, fuzzy feeling of that lost complacency as quickly as possible. Throughout every culture, every country, and every way of thought you will find it. We grow up thinking that the ability to become complacent is the equivalence of success in life. The Arrogant Bastards know that this could not be further from the truth. The real beauty, richness and depth in life can be found if the journey through life itself is looked up on as a constant chance to learn, live and find life's passion. Passion threatens the complacent, and fills them with fear. Fear of the new, the deep and the different. We on the other hand, seek it out. Endlessly, joyously... and aggressively. To this end we bring you the "Oaked Arrogant Bastard Ale". Another reward for those seeking new sources of passion, and another point of dissention for those are not."
October 6, 2008 at 1:34 AM
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October 6, 2008 at 1:35 AM
"Passion threatens the complacent, and fills them with fear. Fear of the new, the deep and the different."
How very true. It scares the crap out of them, and they will go to great lengths to rid themselves of you. top