Questionable Content
I have a relatively (some would say very) addictive personality.
Some of my best friends have referred to me as "The Ultimate Fanboy". If I find something that interests me I latch onto it like a mosquito (which sucks because it reminds me of my borderline phobia of all insects). I must engorge myself on the blood of the topic, draining it dry until I simply cannot take any more.
Examples such as Marijuana, Absinthe, Buckethead, Andy McKee, and my perpetual obsession with beer come to mind. Asking me about any of these topics can be prompted by a three hour dissertation. Have an afternoon to kill? I will melt your brain with absurd detail about any of these.
Fast forward to the present.
Yesterday I read this article about 10 webcomics that are awesome but you should not give to kids (mostly because of violence and adult themes \m/ (>.<) \m/ ). Most of the comics I either already read currently or didn't interest me right off the bat; which is a must. One was different.
Questionable Content was the equivalent of Hiroshima in my mind. I spend the last 24 hours reading the entire archive.
I didn't think that anyone could have a sharper wit that Tycho Brahe until today. Jeph Jacques is the bastard offspring of a Webster's Dictionary that was raped by Jeremy Clarkson. I was looking up words every other comic. Skulduggery? Lascivious? Oh Joyous Day! The story is very well crafted, the characters evolve over time without losing their essence, and they all seem incredibly human.
Beyond his wordsmithing, his artwork has progressed so much in the past 6 years it is astounding.
Before I start sounding exasperated, I will leave you with my favorite moment in the entire archive: