Cinematic Titanic
Everyone remembers Mystery Science Theater 3000 right?
Of course you do.
Well, the original creator and host of MST3K, Joel Hodgson, has re-assembled his crack team of writers/commentators from the golden years of the show and has now defribulated the series back to life.
He calls it: Cinematic Titanic.
As of today he and his team have completed 3 movies; complete with YouTube trailers.
The Oozing Skull:
(apparently a different title from the original film due to licensing issues)
Doomsday Machine:
Wasp Woman:
I have not seen any of these film riffs in their entirety however, the trailers alone are uncontrollably funny.
As soon as they get more copies of The Oozing Skull, and I get more money to spend, I will be buying all three of these films.